Counters to a cosh attack
Dragons tooth technique counter to a cosh.
Knee take down and snap kick to the head counter to a cosh.
Throat grab and head but counter to a roundhouse cosh.
Tiger claw groin strike and palm strike to the face counter to a cosh.
Reverse elbow strike to the solar plexus counter to a cosh.
Punch to the groin and elbow strike to the back counter to a cosh.
Boa quan
Tiger claw strike to the face and neck break counter to a cosh.
Double forearm strike and roundhouse kick to the face counter to a cosh.
Reverse use of cosh.
Escaping and counter techniques.
1. Elbow strike and throw counter to a rear choke.
2. Tiger claw to the throat and take down counter to a rear choke.
3. Arm bar and palm strike counter to a rear choke.
4. Escape and counter to a side head lock.
5. Escape and counter to a full nelson.
6. Escape and counter to a front choke.
7. Escape and counter to a front head lock.
8. Goose neck and front snap kick to the face counter to a right hand grab.
9. Double goose neck and front snap kick to the groin counter to a double
10. Goose neck, arm and shoulder lock counter to a single front grab.
11. Head butting counter to a double grab.
Defence and counter to a base ball bat
1. Arm lock and reverse use counter to a high section attack.
2. Counter to a midsection attack
3. Counter to a leg w section attack.
4. Counter to a downwards attack.
Dragon form
The Dragon form is made up of 34 set moves which use many of the strikes
found in the syllabus.
Free fight.
The examinee must succeed in defending and counter attacking employing any technique found in Carlisle School of Kung Fu
Throat grab and head but counter to a roundhouse punch.
Groin and temple strike counter to a roundhouse punch.
Tan sau and knee strike counter to a punch.
X block and shoulder dislocation to a punch.
Elbow strike to the front and back then hair take down counter to a
roundhouse punch.
Knee strike to the face and palm strike to the temple counter to a roundhouse
Fook sau and side snap kick counter to a punch.
Larp sau and arm lock counter to a punch.
Knee strike to the face counter to a double roundhouse punch attack.
Counters to a kick attack.
Knee strike to the kidney and hand knife edge strike to the throat counter
to a front snap kick.
Inside leg sweep and groin strike counter to a side snap kick.
Outside leg sweep and reverse punch to the back of the neck counter
to a side snap kick.
Knee strike to the face and elbow strike to the back counter to a front
snap kick.
Dragons tail kick counter to a side snap kick.
Elbow strike to the knee, and leg sweep to a side snap kick.
Hip throw counter to a front snap kick.
Counters to a knife attack.
Roundhouse kick to the chest and sweep counter to a knife.
Hand knife edge strike to the throat counter to a knife.
Goose neck control counter to a knife.
Leg sweep takedown and reverse use of the knife counter to a knife.
Dragons tail kick counter to a knife.
Knee strike to the elbow then shoulder dislocation counter to a knife.
Knife grab and stab to kidney counter to a knife.
Goose neck and throat stab counter to a knife.