1) Double palm strike to face counter to a roundhouse punch
2) Arm bar counter to a punch
3) Arm lock counter to a punch
4) Double elbow strike to ribs and palm strike to jaw counter to a walk-through
5) Knee strike to chest counter to a punch
6) Head butt and leg sweep counter to a roundhouse kick
7) Blocks against a double roundhouse kick and sweep counter to a dragons
8) Knee strike to kidney and knife hand to throat counter to a side
9) Ridge hand strike to groin and elbow strike to back counter to a
10) Double hand knife edge strike to the neck and arm bar counter to
a roundhouse cosh
11) Spinning hand knife strike counter to a cosh
12) Tan Sau and take down counter to a cosh
13) Ridge hand strike to groin, and reverse elbow to head counter to
a roundhouse cosh
14) Knife hand strike to neck and arm bar counter to a high section
knife slash
15) Double forearm block and leg sweep counter to a high section knife
16) Reverse use of knife to touching blade to the back
17) Sealing the breath counter to a front grab
18) Self-defence circle of death
19) Spinning back kick counter to a downward staff attack.
20) Roundhouse kick counter to a downward staff attack.
21) Reverse use to a roundhouse staff attack.
22) Board braking. Left and right, hands and feet.
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